Contact us

Shandong yiruite Biotechnology Co., Ltd


Zip code:250101
Address: floor 1, block B (21b), neijuxuan workshop, comprehensive bonded zone, No. 33688, jingshidong Road, Jinan area, China (Shandong) pilot Free Trade Zone

About us

SD ELAD Biotechnology Co. Ltd., is developing the world first human liver cell-based therapy that provides metabolic support for patients with severe liver failure, the Extracorporeal Liver Assist Device (ELAD®). ELAD bioartificial liver therapy is based on the human hepatoblastoma-derived, immortalized cell line C3A, cultured in hollow fiber cartridges. The cells are the key in supporting a liver failure patient by processing liver toxins and synthesizing human liver proteins.

Address: floor 1, block B (21b), neijuxuan workshop, comprehensive bonded zone, No. 33688, jingshidong Road, Jinan area, China (Shandong) pilot Free Trade Zone  Telephone:  

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